IEC 61850 Tools & Techniques:
Simulation of a Specification for a Digital Substation

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Previously held on Thursday, December 2, 2021 - 10 AM EST

Increased energy needs and the demand for renewable energy resources continues to place pressure on the utility industry to evolve & adapt. As an industry that is historically slow to change, flexible power systems, efficient project realization, and interoperability are the critical requirements for solving the energy needs of tomorrow.

Over the last decade, several projects and solutions have been developed to address this growing need. Leading among these is OSMOSE (Optimal System-Mix Of Flexibility Solutions for European Electricity), a consortium led by RTE and composed of 33 partners from around Europe. This webinar will focus on using a vendor neutral tool, Distributed Test Manager, to utilize the improvements to interoperability and efficiency in the IEC61850 engineering process, as learned from OSMOSE. Specifically, on bridging the gap in the development lifecycle of digital substation between the specification stage and the simulation stage.


  • Overview of the OSMOSE Project & their goals specific to interoperability
  • A user’s perspective on the benefits of a specification, using the extensions defined in OSMOSE, and the ability to do a simulation of the specification.
  • An overview of the IEC 61850 specification aspect of the Engineering Process and its benefits
  • A live simulation of an IEC 61850 design specification in Distributed Test Manager (DTM) 
  • Learn how to verify flexible power system concepts via simulation before investing in hardware, using IEC 61131 Structured Text and Function Block Diagrams.

 DTM big


Christoph Brunner

Christoph Brunner is Utility Industry professional with over 30 years of industry experience across several areas within the Utility Industry and technologies from the Automation Industry. He is a well-known expert on IEC 61850 as he has been involved in the development of the standard since the beginning. He is president of it4power in Switzerland and has worked as a project manager at ABB Switzerland Ltd in the business area Power Technology Products in Zurich / Switzerland where he was responsible for the process close communication architecture of the substation automation system. He is convenor of the working group (WG) 10 of the IEC TC57 and member of WG 17, 18 and 19 of IEC TC57. He is IEEE Fellow, member of IEEE-PES and IEEE-SA. He is active in several working groups of the IEEE-PSRC (Power Engineering Society – Relay Committee) and member of the PSRC main committee and the subcommittee H. He is guest professor at Shangdong University of technology and international advisor to the board of the UCA international users group.

Thomas Sterckx
Thomas Sterckx
Expert - IEC 61850 Engineering
Elia Engineering

Thomas has been working at Elia for more than 7 years, with a focus on IEC61850 engineering and modeling the last years. He is also a member of the IEC61850 WG10 and Cigre B5.68.

Matthew Green
Senior Applications Engineer
Triangle MicroWorks, Inc.

Matt is a senior applications engineer here at Triangle MicroWorks. He’s been with Triangle for 6 years and specializes QA testing with all our simulation tools and gateway. Matt also works as a technical trainer on Triangle's software tools, creates training videos, and participates in product demos for customers and conferences.



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