Discover Issues Earlier with System Level Testing

UCA IOP Certified!
DTM Certificate

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Use Case

DTM can simulate multiple devices to perform tests at a system level. For example, a real device under test can be placed within a simulated DTM environment to mimic the real system. DTM communicates to the device under test to verify that the communications, network configuration, and data in the system operate correctly.

Simulated system testing has many benefits: 
  • Reduce costs: the amount of time during Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and commissioning because issues are discovered earlier
  • Increase test coverage: simulating an entire system enables test cases with greater test coverage that cannot be performed with single device simulators
  • Automate tests: system level tests can be highly automated and can be reused across multiple projects
Easily Configure Multiple Devices (Click image for larger view)

DTM Capabilities

  • Simulate the communications and data model for each Client, Server, Publisher, or Subscriber in a substation
  • Load IED configurations based on SCL Files (IEC 61850), DNP3 XML Device Profiles, or point lists
  • Import an entire IEC 61850 substation configuration based on SCD File
  • Simulated IEC 61850 Clients subscribe to Control Blocks (Reports, Logs, GOOSE) or issue commands to Servers
  • Simulated IEC 61850 Servers publish and subscribe GOOSE messages
  • Simulated DNP3 or IEC 60870-5 Masters can read, poll, or request reports from Outstations
  • Simulate gateways and protocol translators with scripting and simulated data devices

Example: Finding Issues in the Lab Before Deployment

DTM allows construction of complete test networks. Devices in the test network can by any combination of actual physical devices, and devices being simulated by DTM. This flexibility facilitates testing the entire network, or testing how individual devices will perform once fully deployed.

Using such a simulated test environment can help identify potential issues in the lab, rather than once individual devices or the entire network have been commissioned. Discovering these issues in the lab is much more cost effective.




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